Bone age: This is a measurement factor that is taken to determine the maturity of bone. This score is used to predict future growth potential.
Catch-up growth: This is a term that refers to a period of accelerated growth that sometimes occurs in a small child. GH therapy will often induce a period of catch up growth.
cm: This is a metric abbreviation for centimeters. There are approximately 2.5 centimeters in one inch, and there are 100 centimeters in one meter.
Chromosome: This is an amino acid structure that is located within the nucleus of every cell in the human body. Each cell contains a pair of 23 chromosomes. Chromosomes provide all genetic and hereditary information.
Diluent: This term refers to the liquid that is added to a substance, to make it appropriate for use in an injection.
DNA: This refers to the chains of proteins that are found within every chromosome. This DNA is responsible for all genetic information within the chromosomes.
Endocrine: The term endocrine means, about hormones, or related to hormones.
Endocrinology: This refers to the study of the hormone system, or the study of the endocrine system.
Epiphysis (Epiphyses-plural): All long bones in the human body have an end plate, that develops separately and uniquely from the rest of the bone. This end of a long bone is called the epiphysis. The epiphysis is at first separated from the bone shaft with cartilage.
Familial Short Stature: This term refers to children who exhibit a normal short stature, as they are the offspring of short stature parents.
Genes: The genes are the biological information units that are passed on to genetically determine the characteristics of future generations. Our genes determine who we are.
Growth Chart: This is a recorded chart of information on height and weight growth progress.
Human Growth Foundation: This is a foundation mandated to the promotion of better understanding of the principals of growth. This is a nonprofit foundation.
Hypopituitarism: This is a medical term that refers to people with a deficiency in one or many hormones of the pituitary.
Injection Site: This refers to the location on the body for an injection. GH is injected into the subcutaneous fat, directly below the skin. GH injections are often given in the abdomen; thighs, buttocks or upper arm, and the site of injection should be varied each day to minimize soreness.
Kg: This is an abbreviation of the metric measurement of mass, the kilogram. The kilogram is equivalent to 1000 grams, and is equivalent to 2.2 pounds. Most medical information will be given using the metric system.
Lyophilized Powder: This refers to a powder that was obtained through a process of freezing a liquid, and then using evaporation of the ice while in a vacuum.
ml: This is an abbreviation for the metric term, the millimeter. There are one thousand milliliters in one liter. This is a unit of volumetric measurement.
Percentile: In reference to GH therapy, doctor's will often speak of growth percentile. This is a reference to the growth or size of a child, in comparison with other children of the same age.
Pituitary Gland: The pituitary gland is a gland about the size of a pea that is located in the hypothalamus in the base of the brain. The pituitary secretes a number of hormones, and one of those hormones is growth hormone.
Pre-certification: This is a term that will be used by your insurance provider. This term means that the cost of a procedure or medication will in future be covered, if and when ordered by a doctor.
Puberty: A stage in the maturation of a child to a mature adult. This stage will last for duration of about 2 years, will be accompanied by a growth spurt, and will be the period in which the sexual organs mature. There will be the growth of pubic hair and in women, the beginning of menstruation.
rDNA: This refers to recombinant DNA. rDNA is genetic material that is introduced into the body, from a source outside of the naturally occurring bodily processes.
Reconstitution: A process that returns a substance to its original state. This is often referred to when speaking about returning an evaporated powder medication, back to a liquid injectable form.
Small for Gestational Age: This is a term that refers to babies that present with a birth size below the 3rd percentile, after gestational age has been factored in.
Somatropin: This is a growth hormone that is pituitary developed and secreted to the body.
Stadiometer: A tool used to measure height.
Statement of Medical Necessity (SMN): This is a medical document that a doctor will submit that will explain the medical reasons for a particular therapy, procedure or medication.
Support Program™: This is a program that can offset the cost of treatment, should you be unable to secure other reimbursement for the therapy.
Systemic: Refers to processes that are whole body affective